
Friday, 22 July 2011

Muscular Training

I do muscular training every day recently. I started muscular training in February this year. I was aiming at 100 times of the arm setting up and 100 times of stomach muscles when starting. The reason to start muscular training is that the muscle drops considerably compared with the time of the high school. My muscular pain was awful at the first time. I wanted to be awful muscular pain and to have stopped it. But, I was very glad of the follow of the muscle, and I wasn't stopped. I am running once a week now. The frequency of the target has been increased to 150 times. Hereafter, I want to hold out.

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My New Smart Phone

I bought the new cell phone the other day. An old cell phone had been used for three years. The cell phone has broken. It becomes impossible to charge. The cell phone has been used for three years, and it is easy to have used it very much. Because the function and the design had become popular three years ago, the cell phone was very old. And, I boldly bought a popular, smart phone recently. It wasn't easy to have used it at all by beginning to use a smart phone. The reason for a smart phone is that the operations are more different than usual cellular phones. A smart phone of the design and the functionality is preeminently better. I want to come to be able to master a smart phone by becoming accustomed early.

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Thursday, 21 July 2011

Kintarou Baseball Team

I belong to the industrial team now. The name of the team is "Yakitori Kintaro ". I come to belong to the team in the third year. I am defending the third now though I was playing shortstop at that time of belonged. My batting order often comes second. I am holding out to maintain regular because this team is good all players.

This team has acquired power very much since last year. The result of this team of last year was semi-won the championship by "Hayaoki baseball tournament" that was the biggest rally in Kumamoto. We should get up very early for the play ball as for this rally at 6 AM. Moreover, if we don't win through by about ten games, we cannot win the championship because the number of participation team exceeds 200 team. I can play baseball very happily though I am tight from early morning. When semi-winning the championship, we were very glad. We hold out to win the championship this year.

Next, we semi-won "Ohayou baseball rally" that was a big rally secondarily in Kumamoto last year. We should get up early because this rally is a play ball at 6 AM. The number of participation team is about 100 team that are fewer than "Hayaoki baseball tournament". However, we are necessary to win by about eight games to win the championship.

And, we semi-won the championship in the rally "Kintaro cup" in which about 40 team participated in the spring of this year. This rally is managed by my Kintaro team's sponsoring. The veteran teams are collected by about 40 team and the rally is held. We want to hold out to win the championship next year.

"The 55th Kumamoto citizens Hayaoki baseball tournament" began the other day. We absolutely win the championship in this year.

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Essay6 Group Introduction of Kumamoto Gakuen

We introduce the faculty, facilities and the events of the KGU. KGU was established as theTouyou Gogaku special school by one of the four private universities in Kumamoto in 1942years. The name was changed into the Kumamoto language study special school in 1945 and,the name was changed into Kumamoto University of Commerce in 1954. At that time, theCommerce Section was set up. In 1994, Kumamoto University of Commerce was changed intoKumamoto Gakuen University which is the present name. KGU is very popular s a privateuniversity in Kumamoto now. We introduce KGU to you.

First of all, we introduce the faculty and the subject of KGU. KGU has 4 faculties and 12subjects.First, the largest faculty at KGU is Department of Commercial Science. Department ofCommercial Science has three subjects which are the Commerce Section, the BusinessAdministration Section, and hospitality management and a popular subject is CommerceSection. The students study bookkeeping and accounting. The subject with the least number ofpeople is hospitality management. This subject is popular among girls but the number of boyshas increased recently.

Moreover, KGU also has a lot of subjects related to international issues because KGU hasinternational subjects such as in the Department of Economics and the Department of ForeignLanguage.

The Department of Economics has international economic as one subject. This subject requiresthe ability of the language study of English, Chinese, or Korean and also does study that appliesto the knowledge of international economy. Foreign language communications ability useful byvarious scenes is acquired from the business to economy and the social work. In addition, theDepartment of Economics has a economics department and a legal economics subject.

The Department of Foreign Language has east Asian and an English and American Section.We belong to English and American Section of this Department. The English and AmericanSection is aiming at educating people who can be active as a cosmopolitans inside and outsidethe country. There are a lot of chances to understand foreign countries like going abroad tostudy and the overseas training in this subject. This subject also helps in the acquisition of theteacher's license. In addition, this subject has achieved high results to finding employment inindustries that can make the best use of English such as airlines and hotels. The east Asiansubject is a subject of the tradition with the origin in the Touyou Gogaku special school.Students in this subject are going abroad to study and taking overseas training too, and canstudy China and South Korea.

The last is the faculty of social welfare. This faculty has four subjects, the social welfare faculty,the welfare environmentology department, the child family welfare subject, and the life wellness.

This faculty works to support the welfare society and the local environment buildings of a newage. The social welfare faculty has exchanges with senior citizens with on-site training of socialwelfare, with handicapped persons, the patients with serious diseases, and regional concerns.This subject supports the acquisition of the training camp training and the nursing license. Thewelfare environmentology department has the experience through study, staying training, andthe Kumamoto town barrier-free survey, etc. that center on the on-site training in outside theschool. The child family welfare subject can take time to learn about family and children inpractice, field training, and small colloquiua. This subject can help you acquire the license of thenursery teacher and kindergarten teacher. The life wellness subject is a subject established in2009. This subject supports the acquisition of a lot of qualifications and licenses including theteacher's license acquisition and the health fitness instructor examination qualification of thehealth education and physical education. There are a lot of faculties and subjects in KGU, andthis university is promoting diverse human resources like this.

Next, we will introduce about our school’s facilities. We have a lot of convenient facilities in thisuniversity. They are very useful for us.

We have a huge library. It is open from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm, Monday to Saturday. On Sundays,it is open from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm. The library is very quiet, so, there is very suitable for selfstudy.At there, we can do many things. We can read books, magazines, newspapers and wean also watch DVDs, listen to CDs, use computers and so on. Of course we can borrow booksfor 2 weeks. To enter the library, we have to bring our student identification card.

We also have a book store ‘Maruzen’ in the ground floor of building 12. They sell books,textbooks, magazines, comic books, stationeries, lunches, breads, ice creams, snacks, drinksand so on. It is very useful because we need not to go to an other book store far away.

At the building 14, 4th floor, there is the e-campus center. In the self-study corner, we can usethe computers freely and borrow notebook a personal computer for 1 week. Always manystudents use it.

In our university’s site, there are a convenience store, Lawson, a dining room and a bakery. Atthe Lawson, some of this university’s students work part time. Dining room’s foods and bakery’sbreads are all handmade. Regularly, the new dishes are developed and sold in the bakery. Theyare very nice. At lunch time, the dining room’s seats are filled with students.

Surprisingly, in our university’s site, there is a beauty salon called ‘Hair make Amore’. It is instudent hall’s second floor. Some students go there to get their hair cut, or get a permanent andcolor.

As you can see, we have a lot of convenient facilities. Thanks to them, we can lead useful lives.We proud and like this university.

Lastly, we are going to introduce the principal events by month. There are many excitingevents in KGU. Our university has not only substantial faculty and facility but also rich eventsand activity.

In April, we have an entrance ceremony in Kumamoto prefectural theater. More than 150new students gather in its concert hall wearing their brand-new suits. Then, some TV stationscome and interview because it is a large scale ceremony. In several days, we have a ‘ Welcomepicnic ’. This is a plan that new students can make friends with each other. More than 1000freshmen take part in this picnic every year. We go to our destination by bus, and enjoy manyevents there. This is also the big chance making friends with teachers.

In October, the most biggest event in this university is held which is the Festival called‘ Takumasai ’. This festival has a sports field and cultural field, and many circle teams play animportant role in this. The cultural field is more gorgeous than any other one . It is held for threedays with a stage concert , exhibition, stalls, and so on. We recommend you to see the stage ofMiss Campus. You can see many pretty and lovely KGU girls. And then, an entertainer guestcomes as a judge. Last year, ‘Brother tom ‘ came, and put enthusiasm into the people.

By the way, we have this festival’s advertisement parade early in October. We have a paradein the city carrying a portable shrine on our shoulder with cool and lovely costume. The portableshrine and costume are original for each circle team. The parade in the city is really worthseeing.

These are especially exciting events in KGU. We are enjoying university life with it every day.We love our lively university.

Thank you for reading.

(1179 words)

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


"Cinderella's" father coughed. "Acutually..." he began. "Shut up you stupid man," interrupted the stepmother. "...Cinderella has as much right to try on the slipper as anyone," he went on, bravely. "Oh Papa!" said Cinderella. She walked over to the messenger and slipped on the shoe. It was a perfect fit."

I read "Cinderella". I like Disney. I had been reading a Japanese translation of this book in childhood, because I have understood a rough content. But, this book was interesting when the nuance was different respectively by a Japanese translation and an English translation and this book read.An English translation was unique and much more interesting than a Japanese translation. I wanted to read an English translation of other fairy tales.

Walt Disney "Cinderella" Usborne Export

(120 words)


"By two in the morning, the front of the Tatanic had tilted forward so much, waves were lapping over the bow. There was a huge clattering inside.I read "TITANIC".

I checked out this book because I liked this movie. This book reproduced the scene where Titanic actually sinks, and had analyzed the angle etc. to which the ship broke. I had analyzed this book more faithfully than the movie though I had seen Titanic once in the movie. I wanted to see the movie again referring to this book. The person who is not looking at this movie and the book wants you to see by all means. I came to like "Titanic" reading this book.

(115 words)
Cameron James "TITANIC" Usborne Export

Week-13 Vacation plan

I will busy summer vacation of this year. First of all, I think do the self-analysis and the enterprise investigation for job hunting. because I will look for a job to the this coming fall. I want to hold out the preparation for job hunting during this summer vacation. Next, I want to earn money as the byte holds out for job hunting during this summer vacation. I will busy when job hunting starts because I want to earn money during summer vacation. Finally, I want to apply its muscle during this summer vacation. Recently, I have grown fat because I want to strengthen one's.

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Week-12 About blogging

The number of words of my blog is about 2500 words now. I think I write the blog by centering on the chiefly favorite one. For example, I write in the blog about my favorite singer. I write the singer's information and characteristic, etc. I wrote my favorite movie. The other things, I think I write a lot part-time and baseball. Moreover, the book review, the essay, and the typing homework can be put on the blog. The number of words can be considerably earned by putting them. I still have a long way to go up to 10000 words. I want to do what should be done, and to reach 10000 words.


BR1-11 The Pancake

"The frying pan, the milk, the butter, the pancake, the pancake race."

I read "The Pancake". I checked out this book because I liked cake. Especially, I like bread. This book was very interesting because the talk had developed into this book until the race of the pancake started when I thinking the content that made the pancake. I am very interested if there was really such a race.

Hunt Rod (2003) "The Pancake" Oxford Childrens

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