
Tuesday, 19 July 2011


"Cinderella's" father coughed. "Acutually..." he began. "Shut up you stupid man," interrupted the stepmother. "...Cinderella has as much right to try on the slipper as anyone," he went on, bravely. "Oh Papa!" said Cinderella. She walked over to the messenger and slipped on the shoe. It was a perfect fit."

I read "Cinderella". I like Disney. I had been reading a Japanese translation of this book in childhood, because I have understood a rough content. But, this book was interesting when the nuance was different respectively by a Japanese translation and an English translation and this book read.An English translation was unique and much more interesting than a Japanese translation. I wanted to read an English translation of other fairy tales.

Walt Disney "Cinderella" Usborne Export

(120 words)

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