
Monday, 24 October 2011

Week-6 My favorite club

I like baseball very much. I was often playing catch in early boyhood with father in the park. I went to see a baseball game on the stadium in the family. Therefore, I came to like baseball. When I entered the elementary school, I joined the baseball club at once. The idea was different though I had thought club to which the baseball club happily played baseball. The baseball club taught the important one in the life like the importance of the important sheath cleaning of seniors and juniors besides baseball and the importance etc. of propriety. Therefore, I came to like it in baseball and the baseball club from the current. I joined the baseball club even if going on to the junior high school and the high school, and worked hard. I was able to learn thanks to the baseball club. Therefore, I love baseball clubs.

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Week-5 My favorite place

My favorite place is my room. It is because why I like my room very much. The reason for my room is that it is possible to relax very much why I like my room. It is a very good because of just good area it for me space though my room is never wide. There is a sofa in my room, and it is very pleasant. I occasionally sleep there. The pet dog that I keep also is sleeping occasionally there. Moreover, the bed of my favorite mattress is there, too. I am likely to sleep with the dog because the bed is also very pleasant. I think that I can relax my room very much because there are such a lot of things. Please come to your play.

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Week-4 My favorite drink

My favorite drink is an apple juice. I love apple juice from child's time. I love apple juice from child's time. It is because mother always made the apple juice when I catch a cold by me since young time whether you liked apple juice or get sick why. I came to love apple juice that mother made because I liked apples. Therefore, when the juice was bought in the convenience store and the vending machine, I came to buy the apple juice almost. However, the apple juice that mother made is much more delicious than any apple juice. Especially, the apple juice that grates the apple and makes it is very delicious. I think it is very delicious when it drinks, and try you to the print apple juice, please.

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