I belong to the industrial team now. The name of the team is "Yakitori Kintaro ". I come to belong to the team in the third year. I am defending the third now though I was playing shortstop at that time of belonged. My batting order often comes second. I am holding out to maintain regular because this team is good all players.
This team has acquired power very much since last year. The result of this team of last year was semi-won the championship by "Hayaoki baseball tournament" that was the biggest rally in Kumamoto. We should get up very early for the play ball as for this rally at 6 AM. Moreover, if we don't win through by about ten games, we cannot win the championship because the number of participation team exceeds 200 team. I can play baseball very happily though I am tight from early morning. When semi-winning the championship, we were very glad. We hold out to win the championship this year.
Next, we semi-won "Ohayou baseball rally" that was a big rally secondarily in Kumamoto last year. We should get up early because this rally is a play ball at 6 AM. The number of participation team is about 100 team that are fewer than "Hayaoki baseball tournament". However, we are necessary to win by about eight games to win the championship.
And, we semi-won the championship in the rally "Kintaro cup" in which about 40 team participated in the spring of this year. This rally is managed by my Kintaro team's sponsoring. The veteran teams are collected by about 40 team and the rally is held. We want to hold out to win the championship next year.
"The 55th Kumamoto citizens Hayaoki baseball tournament" began the other day. We absolutely win the championship in this year.
(300 words)
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