My latest favorite artist is "w-inds.". They came out in March, 2001. Their unit name that the wind of three persons' hometown was named be set to one and arrive all over the world. They came out as a sworn brother of "DA PUMP", and KEN of DA PUMP took charge of the dance of debut music. Although they were playing an active part in Japan several years from the debut, they performed the live for the first time in Taiwan in 2004. The live wins a great success, they become a star of Asia and their activity in Asia has increased now.
There is three favorite music of mine in their music. The first music is "Forever memories" of their debut music. This music is the song which sang painful love. They were saying the TV programs, "This song is loaded with much thought of w-inds.". The voice of Keita of the vocal at this time was voice clear very lovelily. This music is an excellent piece of music of "w-inds." Next, the music which I like is the "four seasons.". This music comes out exactly in autumn, and is very quiet. Although especially they often take in a lap, the point with which the lap is not contained in this music is a good point. Moreover, they are complicated also in the promotional video of this music, and the jacket of CD. I think that a peculiar view of the world is transmitted from the promotional video of this music. This music is also wonderful. My last favorite music is "Long load.". This music is fresh and invigorating tempo and makes fine those who are listening to this music. The but deep meaning with fresh words is put. I am listening to this music, when energy is lost, and when you get tired. I think that I sell absolutely now even if they release this music.
Finally, I introduce the music which I'm getting hooked now. A music name is "Addicted to Love." Now, they changed directivity have released the music of a techno system. In the music of a techno system, the music which I like this music. I would like to expect that they continue evolving rapidly after this.
(363 words)
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